Special Interview with Rolling Stone Magazine

It was mCris Anson, BDSM Writers Con, kink, bondage, Charley Ferrery honor and privilege to be able to speak with Rolling Stone Magazine on Saturday about an author who has impressed and inspired me with her zest for life and her search for BDSM knowledge. Cris Anson is the topic of the Rolling Stone’s upcoming story about writing and exploring BDSM regardless of your age.

Though she’s been writing romance erotica for years, Cris attributes her success in creating BDSM romance to having attended
BDSM Writers Con since its inception in 2011. And she has returned every year since, discovering more about the D/s lifestyle, dabbling deeper, and expanding her research into its various depths. How many authors do you know that are that dedicated to their craft and their readers?CrisAnson2_Aarons

Cris jumped into her research with both feet, creating a wondrous splash and using those three little words she learned back in 2011, “I’m doing research!” Cris has not only excelled in her research, she’s now helping others learn and has returned yearly to BDSM Writers Con; in 2014 as a presenter. Cris also helps run a BDSM group in her home town.

Cris has written two BDSM novellas, NO PATIENCE and AARON’S JEWEL, plus a full-length BDSM novel REDEMPTION AND GLORY since beginning with
BDSM Writers Con. Not to mention the story she wrote for our 2014 Anthology. And I’m proud tCrisAnson1-R+Gloryo say, she dedicated her book, No Patience to me.

What an inspiration this amazing BDSM erotic writer is! Check out her website to discover her D/s adventures and a list of novels she’s written; then join us for BDSM Writers Con August 20-23 in New York City where Cris Anson will be autographing her amazing books.

Live with passion,
Dr. Charley Ferrer

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