of the Year
Below are the books nominated for our Golden Flogger Awards. If your favorite author’s book is not listed, consider nominating it. This list is constantly being updated. Check back often.
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Edited by: Lori Perkins First Annual BDSM Writers Con Anthology |
Edited by: Rachel Kramer Bussel The Big Book of submission |
Edited by: Alison Tyler Twisted: Bondage with an Edge |
Edited by: Molly Synthia and Rage Elric Bondage, Domination & Rough Treatment |
Edited by: D.L. King The Big Book of Dominantion |
Edited by: D.L. King Slave Girls: Erotic stories of submission |
Edited by D.L. King She who must be Obeyed: Fem Dominant Lesbian Erotica |
Edited by: Egnis Jones Snatched |
Note: Although the First Annual BDSM Writers Con Anthology cannot be considered for the Golden Flogger Award as it might be considered a bias interest, the Judges wanted to acknowledge the numerous individuals who have nominated the book thus far and the twenty-one spectacular authors who contributed their stories to make it great. We hope those authors’ other books will be nominated for this prestigious BDSM erotic novels award.
Complete the form below to make a nomination for the Golden Flogger Award
[contact-form-7 id=”3971″ title=”Golden Flogger Award”]
February 16, 2015
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