Susan Wright

Susan Wright, BDSM Writers Con, Charley Ferrer, kink, bondage, fetishes

It’s my pleasure to introduce Susan Wright a major advocate for our sexual freedom and founder of NCSF (National Coalition for Sexual Freedom). Susan is also an amazing writer. Below are just a few questions to help you get to know Susan and her work.


What are you writing now?
I’m focusing on New Adult romance novels right now that involve kink and power exchange. My first two are Role Play and Good Girl, with a 3rd novel in production now: The Exchange. I enjoy exploring the dynamics of a relationship that includes more to sex than physical passion – I like the emotional and psychological aspect where it can be full of laughter and fun, or it can make you question your own reason and make you discover uncomfortable things about yourself.

A lot of your books include BDSM and sexual themes, even the sci-fi and fantasy ones. Why do you like kinky sex so much?susan wright, bdsm writers con, Charley Ferrer, bondage, slave trade
I consider kink to be my sexual orientation. The gender of the person I’m intimate with is not as important as the power role they take on with me. Because I’ve explored this side of myself, and immersed myself in the BDSM communities, getting to know all sorts of kinks and relationships that people can have, I can’t help myself from including it in my novels. I managed to include it even a couple of my Star Trek novels – I wrote Dark Passions 1 & 2 for Pocket Books about the “bad girls” of Trek set in the mirror universe. I made Seven of Nine a lesbian and put her in a relationship with Kira Nerys. Also in the Best and the Brightest, I wrote about the first openly acknowledged gay couple in the Star Trek universe.

Why are you writing New Adult Romances instead of erotica or erotic romances?
I love New Adult romances because they focus on a life-changing moment in time for young people – when they’re falling in love with their partner and resolving issues from their past so they can move into adult life. It reminds me of when I moved to New York City when I was 23, and there was nothing but possibilities, and the only thing that stands between you and fulfillment is yourself. That’s why I set my romances in the city.

susan wright, bdsm writers con, Charley Ferrer, bondage, slave trade
You’ve given hundreds of presentations on BDSM and the law and the media. Are you a lawyer?
No, I’m an activist with over 20 years experience with the kink communities. I started the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom in 1997 while I was doing the NOW SM Policy Reform Project. I realized that our people really needed someone to speak up for them because we are discriminated against in our jobs, in child custody and in criminal settings We still have a long way to go, but books like 50 Shades of Grey have helped by exposing people to kink in a non-threatening way. Persecution has dropped in the past couple of years also due to the strides our country has made when it comes to gay marriage and gays in the military.

Why did you become a kink activist?
This goes back to my writing, actually. I was on the verge of getting my first publishing contract, when I was outed to my editor by another writer. My prospective editor took me to dinner and told me that since I was in a relationship with a couple and exploring kink that I should “date” him, too, while we worked on my book. I refused, and I decided then that I would be out about who I was so nobody could try to use it against me again. I went on to have an amazing career as published author, and I’ve been wonderfully supported by all of my editors and publishers since then.

Susan Wright founded the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom in 1997, a national advocacy Susan Wright, bdsm writers con, Charley Ferrer, bondage, slave tradeorganization for the BDSM, swing and polyamory communities, and currently serves as spokesperson for the organization. She chaired the successful DSM-5 Revision Project, and coordinated the SM Policy Reform Project for the National Organization for Women (NOW) which resulted in rescinding their anti-BDSM policy at their national conference in 1999. Susan has written kinky Contemporary Romance novels as well as Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Star Trek books. This USA Today Bestselling Author began her writing career in 1993, and has published more than 30 novels and nonfiction books on art and popular culture with Pocket Books, Penguin Group, St Martin’s Press and Kensington.


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