Hi there everyone!
Gosh can you believe there’s only seven more days till Santa and thirteen days till New Year’s Eve. This year seems to have flown by.
Below is some information to bring you up to date on what’s happening in New York with me and the conference as well as upcoming interviews.
I was on the Dr. Oz show December 11. YAHOO! The show will air in January 2014. We did a little meditation. I had to laugh when Dr. Oz took me through the meditation and said, “Now think of something that makes you happy.” All I could think of was, “I’m on the Dr. Oz show!” and smiled…HUGH smile. I even got a chance to join what I affectionately call his “rockettes” and dance with them a little as Dr. Oz discussed how dancing was a great form of exercise. I told them to put me in the back row because of my two left feet. chuckles.
I had a wonderful LIVE CHAT with author Colette Saucier on December 12 about sex, submission and other things naughty. You can download the UNCENSORED recording below.
The LIVE CHAT was such fun, its got me to thinking we should have more of them for the conference. Hint. Hint. Authors and presenters, please be prepared to have me call you about setting up an interview for the new year!
As we reach the pinnacle of the holiday season, we are interviewing Gray Dixon. Please stop by our website to see what she has to say about her marvelous Masters of Tabu series and more.
Gray Dixon will be our final interviewee for the year. We’ll return with Paige Matthews on January 6, 2014.
And, we have a special giveaway for one lucky conference participant from Joey W. Hill.
Plus, Santa is stopping by our site December 24 & 25 and helping me hand out lots of presents. Make sure you stop by and let all your fans and friends know.
And finally, I want to leave you with a Special Holiday Message I had created just for you!
Have a wonderful holiday season!
Live with passion,
Doctor Charley…