Thank you — FREE– BDSM The Naked Truth Book

Thank you for obtaining your FREE copy of my eBook, BDSM The Naked Truth and becoming part of my efforts to increase the joy and self-empowerment in the lives of men and women across the globe. If you enjoy the book, please feel free to refer it to others. I would also love it if you wrote a review of the book on Amazon. You can state that you, “Received a free copy for review.”

If you don’t already know me or my work, let me provide you with a quick overview.

I am a world renowned Clinical Sexologist and Sex Therapist. I specialize in providing Sex Therapy, BDSM Therapy, and BDSM Mentorships for couples and individuals throughout the US and Latin America. I provide in person and telephone consultations as well as conduct private BDSM Mentorship groups for individuals who prefer to work with others as they grow in their submission or Dominance.

I am the host and founder of BDSM Writers Con which is for everyone interested in writing about or exploring the world of Dominance and submission held annual in New York City.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discover more about my BDSM programs, books, audio books, eCourses or conference.

Live with passion,

Dr. Charley Ferrer

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