What people are saying about BDSM FOR WRITERS!

BDSM for Writers is an invaluable exploration for erotic romance authors, delving deep into the physical and emotional relationship responsibilities of the Dominant/Submissive life-style. The author opens doors and gives us a guide complete with terminology, equipment, and scenes. It is written in a way that transcends a writer’s usual tool resource. There are touches of humor, checklists, discussions of protocol and ritual, and examples that reach into the depths of the extraordinary trust and loving commitment BDSM involves. For romance authors wishing to add this delicious element to their novels, this book is a must read. I know I will be incorporating dominance and submission into my future novels with much more attention to emotional bonding and a better understanding of the unique and extreme methods employed to accommodate a most satisfying pleasure for both partners. This is the perfect companion book to BDSM The Naked Truth, by the same author.
Candace Smith
Author Captive Travelers
I’m in the middle of the book, and so far, Dr. Charley has answered questions I didn’t even know I had. I am so happy because now I can get back to my BDSM menage. I can do right by my characters, instead of just winging it.
Your writing has an ease and elegance I rarely find in male writing,
as though the testosterone, even in small doses, insists on taking over.
Maybe it’s just a female voice vs a male voice. Certainly Shakespeare wrote with elegance, and Michener, but I never question if they’re male. I bet you could write good fiction!
Monica Stoner
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