You had an idea. Turned that idea into a book. Now what?
With the advent of self-publishing and Indie authors making up a significant market share these days, it’s better than ever to try your hand at self-publishing. This workshop will touch on the basics of self-publishing from editors, to formatters, to cover art. Participants will have a sneak peak into the options available to them regarding the Indie world. Tips on how to brand yourself, build a presentable book and the avenues available will be presented. A more detailed look into the pros and cons of each will be available in a handout.
Individual topics will be geared toward BDSM fiction and Erotica where applicable.
Topics include:
* Preparing the manuscript: Hiring an editor, proofreader and having a few beta readers.
* Selling: Platforms available including; Amazon, Smashwords, Draft2ditigal, IBooks, Barnes and Noble, Scribd, Kobo- Createspace; as well as Lulu and Ingram.
* ISBN Numbers and Copyright information
* Selling yourself: A small word on branding yourself
Veteran authors, as well as new and aspiring ones will be provided hints and tips to help them successfully navigate the self-publishing world from editing, formatting, cover design and where the heck to upload the manuscript!
Presenter: Paige Matthews is an Indie Author and a proud one at that. Starting her writing career over two years ago, she took her love of literature and her hobby of writing and blended them together. Currently sitting with five self-published novels and appearances in four different anthologies, she has navigated the world of self-publishing with a quick learning curve. When she is not writing, she is usually found spending time with her family or with her nose in a book.