You’ve read about them, seen them in movies and now you are going to your first BDSM dungeon. But you have so many questions such as:
* What to wear?
* How should you behave?
* What can you do to insure you’re safe?
* Do you have to play or can you just watch?
* Are there rules?
* What happens if I break them?
These are just some of the questions and situations that will be covered in Lady Sabrina’s presentation.
From hetro dungeons, to pansexual ones, or lesbian and gay, she has played in them all and each has it’s own specific energy and style. She’ll also address a little about the styles and energy for authors who are writing these scenes.
We’ll also discuss how to handle people who want to encroach on your scene; creating a safe haven for you and your submissive.
Plus, we’ll discuss how to recognize non-traditional scenes. Remember BDSM is not only about flogging and spanking.
This class is designed to be interactive. Bring your questions and ideas…as well as your sense of humor.
Lady Sabrina has been a member of the BDSM community for over 25 years and has presented for numerous organizations like TES, Master/slave Conference, Black Rose, etc. on such varied topics as; Introduction to M/s, Women Empowerment, How to Run a Successful Meeting, Flogging, Sensual Hot Wax, Scene Protocols, Basic Skills for Dominants, Club Scene Etiquette, Spanking 101 and 201, Basic Negotiation, Your Event and How to Promote It, Intro to BDSM, etc.
Lady Sabrina’s philosophy is that we can all learn from each other and she has worked hard to bring the various communities: M/s, Bear, Lesbian, Trans, etc. together. She lives an M/s lifestyle and finds obedience very sexy.
Personally, Lady Sabrina is a sci-fi geek, loves kittens, real books, old movies, men in suits and lots and lots of ice cream.
Lady Sabrina is the owner of My Lady’s Toys one of our Fetish Vendors. Be sure to stop by her booth for a special participant surprise and fabulous deals.