In fact, sometimes what’s legal isn’t considered ethical by kinky people, and vice versa. We’ll have an interactive discussion to find out what consent is and isn’t based on the Consent Statement that was launched by NCSF in 2013 and the results of the Consent Violation Survey in 2014.
We’ll talk about what negates consent, and what you need to know in order to get consent. We’ll also examine the concept of risk, limits and consent in scenes vs. power exchange relationships.
Join us in this discussion about consent in a BDSM context.
Presenters: Susan Wright, Richard Cunningham, and Judy Gurrin
Susan Wright founded the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom in 1997, a national advocacy organization for the BDSM, swing and polyamory communities, and currently serves as spokesperson for the organization. She chaired the successful DSM-5 Revision Project, and coordinated the SM Policy Reform Project for the National Organization for Women (NOW) which resulted in rescinding their anti-BDSM policy at their national conference in 1999. Susan has written kinky Contemporary Romance novels as well as Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Star Trek books. This USA Today Bestselling Author began her writing career in 1993, and has published more than 30 novels and nonfiction books on art and popular culture with Pocket Books, Penguin Group, St Martin’s Press and Kensington. Learn more about NCSF and how they are protecting your sexual freedom.
Dick Cunningham practices law with the Washington-based law firm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP. In addition to his international trade law practice, Dick has been actively involved in social advocacy issues – with particular emphasis on sexual freedom and gender rights – for more than 40 years. He was involved in successful Supreme Court litigation that established the right of women to attend the military academies and the requirement that the television networks provide balanced coverage of the Vietnam War. He has been active in organizations that promote fairness, liberty and nondiscrimination in sex and gender, including the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom(NCSF) and the Woodhull Freedom Foundation. Dick serves as legal counsel to NCSF.
Judy Guerin is a well-known activist, writer, speaker and educator on issues of sexual freedom and gender expression. She is also a long-time practitioner of BDSM and sex educator on BDSM activities. She is a former board member of GenderPAC, the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, Forum 21 and the Black Rose. She is a former steering committee member of the National Policy Roundtable of GLBTQ/HIV groups, former executive director of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom and advisor to the European Union Human Rights Commission on issues of sexual freedom and GLBTQ issues. She currently directs NCSF’s Consent Counts Project to decriminalize consensual BDSM in the U.S.
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