Paige Matthews


The beginning of another year. Another 365 days to make our dreams come true. For me, this year, it’s about bringing BDSM Writers Con into fruition. I’m blessed that I have over 30 authors and another 20 BDSM Experts who have joined me in my quest to make that happen. To provide you with amazing workshops and captivating Live Demos.

2014 starts with an interview of Paige Matthews, one of our Featured Authors. Read below to see what she has to share with us. Plus, join us for a LIVE CHAT, January 6, 2014 at 9:00pm EST when Paige shares even more. Click here to sign up.

Paige MatthewsI was asked to do a blog post for the conference and of course, as with me…I’m late with it. Not because I didn’t have time, but because being asked to tell readers and others four to five things about myself stumped me. What things would you find interesting? What would you want to know that I have not shared on some sort of social media yet? I’ll start with three quick things-random facts about myself and then tell you why I write what I write.

Okay, first things first- Three random facts- I hate heights, I have a fear of bridges-have since I was sixteen and I am not sure exactly why- but anytime I have to drive   over them-long ones that is- I am petrified. Lastly, I am crazy. LOL- just ask my editor! Okay…now on to the meat of the blog post.

My first series, Devoured Club Series, focuses on the world of kink, a BDSM club facing issues of one’s desires, pasts, and futures. It is not an uncommon topic for this conference or for my fellow authors, presenters and hosts. I have been interested in the BDSM lifepaigematthewsDevour-Mestyle for a few years, not as many as some that I share this honor with, but nonetheless I have dedicated countless hours to research and practice–leaving me more and more to discover. I have made it a point–hopefully one my readers and potential readers will see–to focus on the emotional aspects of the lifestyle, not just the kink. Don’t get me wrong the kink is fun but from my experiences and research I know there is a deeper connection–an emotional one between Dominant and submissive. It is that emotional response and relationship that I focus on and explore within my novels. The current novel I am working on takes my exploration further as I dive into bisexual, poly relationships looking at the connection between a Dominant and his submissives.

Consume Me-AmazonI am a practicing submissive although with time constraints not as much as I want to be. The reasons behind the desire–my need for emotional connection–for the trust that is instilled within my partner–my Dominant and the freedom that I feel with the adrenaline rush. The lifestyle is different for everyone and that is what it is for me. I crave the connection, maybe because my childhood was wrought with isolation of my own doing. Maybe because it makes me feel alive. I want to share that with my readers and bring a different view of the lifestyle to the market although I am surrounded by amazing authors and storytellers. The genre is filled with amazing stories that share the connection, plot and lifestyles, all the intricacies. paigematthewscrossroads

I am proud to be part of the genre with these amazing authors. I hope that my intentions shine through my work. I look forward to talking with anyone that wants to talk. I am always available through my social media sites and email.

To contact Paige see the following:  Email    Facebook   Twitter    Website



Paige Matthews — 2 Comments

  1. Pingback: Happy New Year | Doctor Charley's Blog

  2. Pingback: Happy New Year | BDSM WRITERS CON

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