Hi everyone,
Happy New Year! Yep, I just love saying that. I typically tell that to people till March. I really love the fact that each year brings something new and wonderful and the first few months are full of tremendous possibilities. That’s not to say that the other months aren’t as grant, it’s just that the first few help you set the tone for the next. One thing I’ve learned in the past two years battling several forms of cancer is that life can change in an instant and that’s why you can’t put your dreams on hold. So, I challenge you all to do something wonderful this year—whether small or spectacular—just do it.
I also want to invite you to join me for this year’s BDSM Writers Con in Seattle, Washington
March 22 – 25 or in New York City August 16 – 19, 2018. This year we’ll be in Downtown Seattle where you’ll be able to enjoy Pike Place Market; the market has the best jellies and goodies for gifts and more. Plus, their bouquets of fresh flowers will be great for your hotel room. And of course, there’s the Space Needle, the Mummy shop, and the ferris wheel. If you’re standing next to it and hear someone scream, don’t worry, it’s just me overcoming my fear of heights. (I will be at our host hotel starting March 20. Please feel free to contact me.)
On Wednesday, March 21, we will be hosting our Author Networking party from 6:30 – 7:15pm in my Suite, followed by a Kick-Off get together at 7:30 pm where anyone arriving early can meet us and we’ll go out for drinks and a bite to eat. (Everyone pays their own meal.) We’ll meet in the lobby at 7:30 pm.
For New York City in August, I’m going to host a tour of Battery Park, Wednesday morning August 15. You’ll get to see the amazing statues in front of the Smithsonian Museum (what used to be the old Customs Building), see the spectacular Seaglass Carousel, the “Cool Globes”, the famous Wall Street Bull and much more. Yes, we’ll be staying at the TRYP Hotel again, so you’ll have great rates and fabulous service.
Don’t forget to visit our website to discover who’s been nominated for this year’s Golden Flogger Award and feel free to nominate your favorite.
On a side note: this year I will be conducting a bi-monthly private discussion group on dominance and submission which I call BDSM Reality. During our bi-monthly live calls, we’ll discuss topics related to Dominance and submission, psychological factors of BDSM, D/s toys, interactions, safety and much more. BDSM Reality is a must for anyone interested in discovering the realities of this unique lifestyle or writing about it. You’ll be able to send in your questions and we’ll discuss them. I’ll host the live discussions the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month from 9:00 – 11:30 pm. Use this link to sign up: http://bit.ly/2sjFrpB
I look forward to seeing you all soon or speaking with you during our BDSM Reality talks.
Any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Live with passion,
Dr. Charley Ferrer
Host & Founder
BDSM Writers Con