Whew! Charley asked me to write a farewell to you all, but it’s never really farewell–it’s always “until next time!” Because I know we’re all gearing up for 2016 already, right? Personally, I had a blast at BDSM Writers Con and can’t wait to do it again. It’s always fantastic to talk with fellow writers, bouncing ideas and trading tips. Every single one of you at the conference enriched my experience and I only wish I’d gotten MORE time to talk with some of you I barely met.
I don’t know about you, but I had a truly wonderful time at the play party, too. Where else could you have such a hands-on experience? This is a big reason play parties happen: it’s part of how the BDSM community transmits experience and knowledge. I know several of you got set on fire: I can’t wait to see all the fire play scenes that are going to pop up in books now! You never know what is going to “spark” your inspiration, eh? (I think I’m going to have to work the human carpet in, myself.) Thank you so much to Dr. Charley for opening those doors for us.
I’m also looking forward to the growth of the BDSM writers community that has its roots in the conference. I know we’ve got to wait until next year to be together again, but don’t forget to connect with each other online. Throughout my career as a BDSM activist I’ve seen the importance of forging those bonds, building those connections from person to person: that’s how a community grows. I’m so proud to be a part of it with you.
Cecilia Tan
Keynote Speaker 2015
Golden Flogger Award Finalist