Roz Lee

Roz Lee, BDSM Writers Con, BDSM romance, kink, erotica


Roz Lee joins BDSM Writers Con for the second year in a row. Roz was with us in 2014 and returns again for BDSM Writers Con 2015.  We had a few more questions for Roz to help us get to know her better. Feel free to pose a few of your own below.


When you first started writing, what made you decide to write a novel?
Honestly? I never set out to be a writer, so it never occurred to me that I could write something else. I was a stay at home mom and an avid reader of romance. My daughters joked that I had read so many I could probably write my own. I took that as a challenge—and guess what? I found out that I could write one!

What research, if any, have you done into BDSM to make your stories realistic?
I’ve always been interested in the psychology of why people do what they do, so when I began doing research for writing sex scenes (yes, there is research involved!) my initial inquiries began with psychological texts. Not particularly fun, but interesting in a geeky sort of way. From there, I read non-fiction books on the lifestyle, and of course,
Dr. Charley’s book which is specifically for writers. That led me to virtual research via the internet. It’s truly amazing what you can find online. (When I die, please, someone erase my search history!)

Finally, I read every fiction book I could find that dealt with the lifestyle—everything from The Story of O and the Marquis de Sade to Anne Rice—and of course, I read contemporary romances too, since that was what I intended to write. Yes, I’m a geek. I admit it.

What differences or difficulties, if any, do you see in writing BDSM stories as opposed to your typical romance?
Everyone understands the basic human urge to have sex. That requires no explanation in a romance novel. However, not everyone understands the kinkier side of human sexuality. You can’t have your character whip out a flogger and go to town on another character without some explanation of why either one would be okay with that.

You don’t have to convert the reader to the lifestyle, but you have to convince them your character’s needs are valid and essential to their pleasure and happiness. If you can’t convince them of that, then you’ve lost them completely.

Roz Lee, BDSM Writers Con, kink, erotica
If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?
I’d be a Science teacher. I love science so you would think I’d write in the paranormal, sci-fi or even steampunk genres, wouldn’t you? LOL I’d probably get lost in the research and forget to write, so I’ll leave that to others.

Award winning author Roz Lee has penned over a dozen erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series. When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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