Advertise with Us

Below are a few ways to advertise in BDSM Writers Con eZine.

New BDSM book release
(newly released & 1st year of publication)

Monthly:  $15
Yearly:     $120
(That’s $8 per month)
This advertisement includes book title and author’s name in our New BDSM Book release page and Amazon buy link.

Oldies BUT Goodies Section
(books over 1-year publication date)
Monthly:  $15 

Yearly:     $120
(That’s like paying for 8-months and getting 4-months FREE)
This advertisement includes book title and author’s name in our New BDSM Book release page and Amazon buy link.

Featured Author
Monthly:   $25 per month

Yearly:     $200   (That’s 4-months FREE)
This advertisement includes book cover, book title, author’s name and buy link. Plus, up to 200 words synopsis of your book. As a BONUS, we’ll also include your book title in our Book Release Section–that’s an additional $120 FREE!

Contact us with any questions or if you’d like to advertise three or more titles.